

Ornament is a Belgian brand that’s famous for its screen-printed T-shirts. The label strives for a sustainable and honest fashion industry – and for a touch of one-of-a-kind. All of their T-shirts are unique, handmade and sewn from the best hemp and bio cotton to make sure their owner can enjoy their comfiness for a long time.

There’s more than one reason why hemp is such an eco-friendly alternative. The plant is not only biodegradable, but also excels at turning CO2 into oxygen. That’s how this green hero purifies the air, helps improve soil quality and combats greenhouse gases while he’s at it. Furthermore, hemp needs little to no insecticides or herbicides and produces three times as much fibre as cotton. Hemp fibres not only spoil Ornament wearers by cleaning the air they breathe but also by letting their skins breathe. Finally, hemp outclasses cotton in terms of softness, strength and longevity.

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